

Well, I am going to try and get a lot more responses, but I have well over 100 now from all across the globe; they include the following in many different languages:

If you don't know about OSP, you can go either here for an FAQ or go straight to the OSP Question.

Here's some Animal Collective to let you go:

Working on a project that involves looking at my friends. /end awkward



So more about the One Sentence Project - a little synopsis about it. Maybe more of a Frequently Asked Questions thing.

What is it?
A project that I have started, which asks you to describe yourself in one sentence. There are no specifications about how the sentence should be constructed, what exactly should be included within this sentence, etc. You can read what the survey asks here, or just go to the survey.

What will you do with the answers/results?
I plan to present them in an anonymous fashion - most likely in an installation of some sort. The exact way of presentation is still being played over in my mind, but I've had some ideas. The one quality that it has to have is that it has to be interactive with the viewers; so anyone who enters the piece's space must (if they decide to) interact with the project to get the reaction that I want.

It's an exploration of anonymity, of on-the-spot decision-making, into one's view of self and others, and of simplicity. There are many things one can look into, and of course it's not a scientific survey, so there are many un/non-controlled elements.

More questions and answers to come.

Examples of responses:
  • "For the longest time, I thought everyone, deep down, wanted to change the world and had a conscience.
  • "It has been a very long time since I've had a concept of home."
  • "meine gedanken sind wilde vögel."
  • "It's a miracle I'm alive."
  • "Views everything in grey."
  • "I exist."
  • "I feel as if I'm living the movie "Weekend at Bernie's" from Bernie's perspective."
  • "Ég er bahá'íi, ég elska Guð og menn og þrái aðeins að þjóna mannkyni."


Idea - Origins

So I am going to discuss how I got the idea.

I may have gotten this idea from when I was in secondary school, where I wrote down sentences (or sentence fragments) that were purely random ideas and thoughts that popped into my head. Studying Psychology and Sociology reinforced my idea that people have a lot of little thoughts (fleeting random ideas) that are forever forgotten, but no matter how strange they are nor how much you think others don't have them, somebody usually does.

I kept a book, a green composition notebook and the last pages were filled with sentences not only from me, but from others. This is how I kept myself occupied during classes that didn't interest me. It was also entertainment for others, as well as a way for me study others (yes, that sounds strange... I'm an observer, what can I say?). It got me interested in sociology, social theory, communication, linguistics, and so on and so forth. I may be an engineering student, but [to me] people and societies are more interesting.

This was just a random bit that I came up with while telling people about the project. People ask me why I got this idea, and I think it sprouts from these past experiences.

Number of responses: about fifty, basically one per day (works with the 1-1 theme, heh)



Here is a list of the languages that I translated or got help from my friends to translate/correct. I know that most people speak English, so I could have easily just left the instructions only in English. I do enjoy languages (studying and polishing a couple at a time), so a) I wanted to show that each language has important, b) English should not be considered the only language that important, and c) I wanted to encourage others to use their native/fluent language to answer the survey. I could have translated it to Swedish, Irish, etc. or gotten translations from friends of each language, but that would be slightly overwhelming. I know that I cannot hit all demographics and so forth. I am advertising on Facebook, friends, xkcd fora (geeks and nerds like me), flashback.info fora (Swedish), and Deviantart (place for art).

If you know of other places I can show this idea (I'm not going to blatantly advertise (CLICK THIS LINK ROFLCOPTER)). I just want to spread the idea. But anyway, here are the four languages that I thought would get a lot of people to help out: English, German, Spanish, French. (Wish I had Mandarin or Japanese...)


Update 1

First off, for the survey go here.

So I have gotten a good amount of responses, but still need a lot more. I would like to get 1000, but that would take a lot of time. I am not sure how exactly I would advertise this project other than to friends and forums. If you have ideas, you can let me know (that would be great).

There have been some interesting responses so far to the survey; some of them are quite surprising and thought provoking.

Some nice ones include:

Anyway, I'll keep you updated and hope to get more responses. Next post will also include where I actually got the idea for the project.
